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DD1 Got A Job!

June 27th, 2013 at 09:27 pm

DD1 has her first job! Dog walking. How exciting!

Our subdivision has a resident that set up and maintains a Facebook page. At the pool the other day someone suggested that I join.

A lady posted that she had fallen down the stairs and needs for someone to walk her puppy. Turns out she lives about 7 houses down from me. She is an english school teacher. It won't last a long time because this lady will heal and they are also selling thier house. They are not moving far at all and if my daughter does a great job then she might need for for pet sitting at some point.

DD1 is excited! She starts on Monday and will walk the dog at 7pm. This works out well because DD1 usually goes to the gym to exercise. Why not get your exercise in and get paid? Sounds good to me. She is such an animal lover she'd do it for free. The lady asked about money and my daughter told her "I'm just here because I love animals, you can decide that". How sweet so on by Monday I'm sure the lady will look up the going rate and decide pay. She will be walking the dog Mon-Thurs. YAY!

2 Responses to “DD1 Got A Job!”

  1. snafu Says:

    Good on DD #1 on obtaining her 1st dog walking job. Do you have a dog? You might have her look up a bit of detail on the particular type of dog, some are easier to manage than others.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Having been sidelined by a leg injury myself, I can bet that the lady will need more help than dog-walking. DD1 should keep her ears open for other ways she can help.

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