Home > $3K Attorney General Child Support Error

$3K Attorney General Child Support Error

July 15th, 2014 at 12:26 pm

I contacted my lawyer last month letting them know that the Attorney General was showing arrears for $17K that my ex owed. Which was incorrect. My ex was completely caught up with his child support thru June. My lawyer said that the mix up was because they didn't get the latest revised agreed order.

I received a letter in the mail from the Attorney General over the weekend showing that now my account is over paid by $3K which is NOT correct.

Yesterday I contacted my lawyer and she said that she will get to it as soon as she can.

My ex asked me the other day if he owed child support for the month of July in which I replied yes not knowing that he got a letter stated that he's over paid.

I really hope that the situation gets fixed pretty fast.

5 Responses to “$3K Attorney General Child Support Error”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Do you HAVE to go through the govt for child support?

  2. Bob B. Says:

    Things like that happen constantly with our boys, and medicaid billings and adoption subsidy and the like.

  3. SecretarySaving Says:

    I have a lawyer and I pay a yearly fee to the Attorney General for them to track/collect payments. My ex sends the payments to the AG then it gets direct deposited into my account. I think its just an extra step. For now, yes I have to go through them its in the order. You raise a good question. I will ask my lawyer about it.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    If your ex is reliable to make payments, I would want to leave govt out of it. But for some I know that is not an option.

  5. SecretarySaving Says:

    He is not reliable unfortunately.

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